EC Manual

001-Standing Election Subcommittee Procedures

002-About the Election Committee (ALL)

003-Daily Operations

004a-Dataset for EC Members
004b-Dataset for USGW Members (Registration Guide)


006-Officer Duties

Dataset Manager Duties (text)

Past and Present Members of the USGW Election Committee (text)



Important Links

Current Advisory Board

USGW Bylaws
USGW Standard Rules
USGW Special Rules

Project Volunteer and Web Site Standards/Guidelines

USGW Logos

The parliamentary authority for the USGenWeb is  The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure by Alice Sturgis  (USGW Special Rules Sec. II).

First published in 1950, SCPP continues to update and simplify Robert's Rules of Order which dates from the 1800's. SCPP is still under copyright so a full text version is not available on line.  For an overview, see
Sturgis - In a Nutshell
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